Posted 2-28-2024 09:27:35
I do not th inkthis is anything with the developers , but rather with G-Portal. I have a friend who has a server on g-portal and skins work fine on her server, where I have 2 MoE servers on g-portal and neither of them have working skins. I tried all sorts of tests with the settings to no avail. The one thing I could still see that was different was that my servers were setup via my gaming cloud subscription where I just have 32 slots and can change game servers out however / whenever I like, and hers was on a specific MoE rented server (ie only MoE, no cloud seats).
Just to have tested all angles, I rented a MoE specific server and sure enough skins worked fine on it, yet every server I have setup through my cloud sub has failed to have working skins. So I think the issue is with the settings on g-portals side being different between game clous sub servers and the MoE specific servers. I have submitted a ticket to g-portal to point this out so will see if anything comes of it.